Tuesday, 12 August 2008


Ah yes, another slug post! Due to the rain we've been having I thought it would be prudent to go on a 'slug watch'. I went out shortly before dusk yesterday to check the lettuce beds. There they were happily chomping away upon my 'lollo rossa'. And judging by their size they had been there a while. I dispatched seven or eight into a jar. I probably need to apply some more nematodes. I have also been thinking of putting some copper strips along the tops of the raised beds, which I think will be a good deterrent.

The good news is that I have harvested my first crop of broad beans. they are around 5-6 inches long and taste delicious.


Things have been going bonkers in the garden of late. This has a lot to do with the prodigious amount of rain we've had for the last couple of weeks.

The rocket is threatening to escape from its bed and the runner beans are fighting to get away from their wigwam supports. The borage has started to flower and is attracting lots of bees and hoverflies.

At the back,what I like to call 'the wilderness', the nasturtiums have decided to climb up the trellis and have reached the top of the wall. The borage at the back has yet to flower but the leaves are massive compared its flowering brethren. Broad beans are going great guns. I'm hoping to harvest them in a week.
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