Monday, 20 April 2009

Courgettes and Spinach

I have been busy planting my spinach and courgette seedlings under the cloche. That was two days ago. Luckily the slugs have only had a little nibble of one of the primary leaves on one of the Spinach plants.

I was amazed by how much space one has to give the courgette. It's taken up almost the entire length of the cloche.

Elsewhere in the garden we have Swiss Chard and White Sprouting Brocolli. A gift from my neighbour :-).

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Rainy Easter weekend

I took advantage of a break in the rain to start potting some of the seedlings which are beginning to jostle for space in the seed tray.

On Saturday I bought three 12 inch pots. I put three tomato plants into each one.

I also set to work on the herb trough, planting loads of Basil and Coriander. I hope the Coriander will be okay as it is not very tolerant to transplanting, which can cause bolting.

My first potato has sprouted! This is in the pot, the potatoes in the raised bed have yet to show signs of life. Finger-crossed they will be okay especially after the foxes tried to dig them up a while back.


My Chillis are doing well on the kitchen windowsill. Of the four seeds I planted, three have germinated and are 20cm high already. In the next two weeks I intend to transplant each one into a separate three inch pot. Last year my chilli plant was infested with little white tiny caterpillars. Let's see what happens this year.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Ready to plant

I'm almost ready to plant my seedlings, so I've made a list of the planting distances required:

Cantaloupe melon 120cm
Spinach 10cm
Courgette 90cm
Lettuce 25cm
Rocket 10cm
Aubergine 60cm
Lavender 30cm
Tomato(2 types) three per 30cm (12in) pot or 35cm (14in) hanging basket
Coriander 20cm
Basil 30cm
Parsley 20cm
Sweetcorn blocks of 40cm
Runner bean 30cm between plants in 60cm rows

Monday, 6 April 2009


How exciting! This is my first time at trying to grow tatties.

I have put my chitted seed potatoes into the raised bed. I am using half the available space so I only put 6 of them in there. I used a dutch hoe to create three small trenches about 60cm apart and planted each potato with the tubers facing upwards 40cm apart. Afterwards I covered them with a little compost(roughly 8cm).

I still have about 12 left so I have also put three in a large pot. It will be interesting to see how they progress. The remainder I may give away or plant in another large pot.
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