Friday, 19 June 2009


My coriander has flowered early so instead of nice thick leaves they have gone all spindly and thin. I think this was because the position I chose to place the herb trough was too sunny. Coriander is very susceptible to changes of temperature and can get stressed if replanted(which is what I did!).
Coriander seeds

All is not lost though. I have cut off most of the flowers to try and get the plant to grow thicker leaves. A few flowers have been left to wither so I can collect some seeds for next year.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Three Sisters technique for growing corn

I just came across an interesting agricultural technique called the 'three sisters' for cultivating corn crops.

It is an ancient technique first used by Native Americans. You start by making a large mound 60cm high and 50cm wide. You mix in plenty of manure. Now comes the interesting part. In the middle you plant your corn. When the seedling is 30cm high you plant pumpkin and runner bean seeds around the corn.

The corn then acts as a support for the beans, the beans add nitrogen to the soil and the pumpkin acts as a natural mulch, supressing weed growth.

I have already planted my sweetcorn so I will be definitely experimenting with this.


Tumbling Tom

Okay, so I have overdone the tomatoes this year, but I have managed to find homes for all of them. Most are in 12 inch pots. So far the 'tumbling toms' are going great guns, and have started flowering. The 'normal' tomatoes have not flowered yet. No sign of any fruit on any of them. I have been religiously feeding them with my special Shetland seaweed fertilizer to assist them.
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