Tuesday 25 August 2009

Courgette and Chilli Salad

I've got lots of courgettes and lots of chillis plus mint and garlic. All home grown so this recipe from Jamie Oliver fits the bill nicely. Full details here.

I thought I'd give it a go tonight. Ames and Jake are away so I thought I'd experiment on myself in case it goes terribly wrong.

The recipe feeds four so I used one courgette instead of four. I sliced this using a cheese slicer which worked really well. I then thinly sliced a medium-sized chilli and half a garlic clove.

I put the courgette slices in a dry hot frying pan. After letting them brown for a few minutes I placed them on a plate and added some salt and pepper. You should wait 5 minutes to let the salt season the courgette.

I sprinkled on the garlic and chilli along with some olive oil and lemon. I had the mint ready to go but I forgot to add it.

It tasted really lovely. The combination of spicy chilli, lemon, olive oil and garlic really worked. I will deifnitely be trying this one again. Yum!!

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