I thought it was about time to get things moving in the garden again. For the past few days I have been mooching around. Bit of watering there, bit of tidying here.
On Sunday I started building the raised bed kit. This task was quite satisfying. It involved little more than lining up the various pieces of timber and screwing them together.
The next task was to start digging out the area where the raised bed will sit. The reason I have to do this is because the garden slopes down towards the end so I need the bed to be nice and level.
The end of the raised bed closest to the house will need to be sunk a little way into the ground. Digging clay soil is difficult at the best of times, but when it has dried out it makes the going even harder. I'm pleased to say that I struggled on and got the bulk of the work done :-).
On the plant front, the beans are going great. Their splindly little tendrils are just beginning to grab the canes and start their path upwards. The lettuce has germinated somewhat haphazardly but the coriander remains a disappointment with only one plant making an appearance. The nasturtiums have germinated they should provide some colour, as well as being beneficial companion plants.
Last but not least the carrots have started to grow their frilly leaves. This indicates that I should start to thin them out, maybe this week.
ビット副業はスマホを持っていれば簡単に稼げて誰でも楽に出来る副業! やればやる分だけあなたに返ってくるので安心安全の副業だと言われています。
さらに、サポートしてもらう事で収益化の最短になると思いますので個人でやっている […]
3 years ago