Saturday, 14 June 2008

Down the garden path

It was a pleasant day so I set to on a few tasks. Firstly a long-overdue mow of the law and a bit of a strim around the edges. It looks great now. I'm hoping for a bit of rain tomorrow to feshen it up a bit.

I attached some bean netting to some canes and placed them in the raised bed. Those little guys are doing very well. The fourth one is just beginning to show itself.

In my carrot bed my long lost, presumed dead. garlic bulb has miraculously sprouted. I'll leave it a while then transplant it to my herb 'trough'. The carrots are still very wee so I think another week or so before I can start to thin them out.

My last chore of the day was to start marking out a path. The intended route is from the sleeper at the end of the lawn to the garden shed. Before marking out I moved the 'heap'. This resulted in three large frogs and one baby one leaping out. It was good to see them in my garden, and not wanting them to leave I herded them safely into the shady area behind the shed.

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