The recent hot weather has certainly pepped up the growth of the veggies. The broad beans have flowered and are now producing lovely succulent beans. The runner beans have just started to flower so I am expecting beans in the next week or so. the borage that I transplanted next to the beans has gone ballistic with great big healthy-looking leaves.
Yesterday evening I was out scouring for blackfly eggs. I came across little clumps of tiny yellow eggs on the nasturtium leaves. Not sure what they were but I dispatched them with a quick wipe. It was nice to see the bees and the hover flies flitting around the broad bean flowers doing what they do best.
The slugs are back with their eyes on my lettuce, so yesterday evening I went out armed with a torch. The first group were found behind the herb trough. I think they had been making their way up the wall and then crawling onto the mint to get into the trough. This is how they got to my basil seedlings. I collected three slugs and then cut back the mint.
In the lettuce bed I found another couple munching away. I'm not sure why the nematodes are not working. Maybe I need another application. Then again maybe the slugs population would be much worse by now without them.
ビット副業はスマホを持っていれば簡単に稼げて誰でも楽に出来る副業! やればやる分だけあなたに返ってくるので安心安全の副業だと言われています。
さらに、サポートしてもらう事で収益化の最短になると思いますので個人でやっている […]
3 years ago