Wednesday 9 July 2008

Take that you pesky fox

All is not lost with my carrots. They must be hardier than I thought, as several of them have sprung to life after being squashed by one or more fox cubs. So now they need protection!!

A couple of days ago I ordered a device to try and rid my veggie patch of my foxes. It uses an ultrasonic pulse that is triggered by a PIR device similar to those used in security lights. This high pitched noise is particularly unpleasant for foxes and cats(a bonus there then).

Last night I set it up next to the shed pointing in the general direction of the carrot bed. Then I put my mesh back over the carrots and secured the whole lot with some bricks.

I'm happy to say that this morning the mesh was intact and undamaged :-). Was this a one-off? Only time will tell...

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