Monday 14 July 2008

Raised bed...done

Like the Ramsey-esque title :-) ?

I spent around 5 hours hours on Sunday finishing off the raised bed. I lost the posts used to connect the two ends together so I had to fashion some using some offcuts of wood. Once the frame was together I had a hard time man-handling the whole structure to the bottom of the garden.

I didn't realised quite how steep the slope is at the back. The front end of the bed is almost level with the surrounding soil. I had to build up the other end to get it nice and level. The good news is that it is all done now. The next step is to double dig the bed and add some nice manure.

The broad beans are doing very well with lots of flowers emerging from their stalks. The borage has been attacked by slugs so I shall need to apply some more nematodes. The chili is also blooming...literally. It now has three lovely white flowers. I wonder when the young chili pods will emerge?

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