Friday, 6 March 2009

Early start to proceedings

The garlic experment is going well. All three bulbs have shooted, so that bodes well. Only one brocolli has survived the winter and has been chomped on by unknown insects even though it has been 'protected' by the enviromesh cover all Winter :-(.

In the kitchen I have seeded two trays containing basil, tomatoes and lavender. I have a nice blueberry bush bought from Homebase and a pot of parsley on the go. As if this wasn't enough Trudi gave us a nice artichoke which has just germinated. I almost forgot, I also have a large pot full of aubergine seedlings!

Out in the garden I have been busy preparing the plots for the carrots and onions which I have also seeded as of last weekend.

Fin came round yesterday and gave us some raspberry canes. I am just in the process of double-digging a trench next to the old shed to accomodate these. Unfortunately there are lots of bricks and rocks to contend with. This is not as bad as the mahoosive bramble roots that need digging out.

Today there was a slight frost so I am taking a gamble with my broad beans. A couple of them seem a little limp. I may pot a few more in case these don't make it.

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