I've got lots of courgettes and lots of chillis plus mint and garlic. All home grown so this recipe from Jamie Oliver fits the bill nicely. Full details here.
I thought I'd give it a go tonight. Ames and Jake are away so I thought I'd experiment on myself in case it goes terribly wrong.
The recipe feeds four so I used one courgette instead of four. I sliced this using a cheese slicer which worked really well. I then thinly sliced a medium-sized chilli and half a garlic clove.
I put the courgette slices in a dry hot frying pan. After letting them brown for a few minutes I placed them on a plate and added some salt and pepper. You should wait 5 minutes to let the salt season the courgette.
I sprinkled on the garlic and chilli along with some olive oil and lemon. I had the mint ready to go but I forgot to add it.
It tasted really lovely. The combination of spicy chilli, lemon, olive oil and garlic really worked. I will deifnitely be trying this one again. Yum!!
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